Hyper Estraier 简明教程

作者:tonghs tonghuashuai@gmail.com


Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system. You can search lots of documents for some documents including specified words. If you run a web site, it is useful as your own search engine for pages in your site. Also, it is useful as search utilities of mail boxes and file servers.


目前 天使汇 网站的全文搜索部分使用 Hyper Estraier 实现。


emerge hyperestraier


  1. 建立工作目录:

    mkdir /mnt/data1/42web
  2. 设置路径读写权限

  3. 在工作目录下执行:

    estmaster init .
  4. 删除工作目录下的配置文件,并执行:

    ln -s ~/42web/zapp/SITE/misc/config/hyperestraier/_conf .
  5. 启动 hyperestraier:

    estmaster start .
  6. 启动服务:

  7. 访问 http://域名:1978,进入 web 管理页面(默认用户名密码 admin admin)

  8. 建立索引数据库 ob0 ob10000 ob20000

    单击 Manage Nodes,在出现的页面填写 node 信息,第一个文本框为 name,第二个文本框为 label。


  • 用户管理

Select Manage Users. There are input boxes for user name, password, flags, full name and miscellaneous information at bottom. Enter following data for new user: “clint”, “tnilc”, “s”, “Clint Eastwood” and “Dirty Harry”. Flag “s” denotes user with super user privileges. User name is limited to alphanumeric characters only.

详细见:http://fallabs.com/hyperestraier/nguide-en.html 中的 Administration Interface 章节